🔥 Upcoming legal requirement for fire doors
Did you know that in just a few months, new legislation in the UK around Fire Door Inspections comes into effect?
January 23rd, 2023 is a significant date in the world of fire doors – on this date, quarterly inspections of all fire doors in the common parts of buildings over 11 metres in height becomes a legal requirement.
Under the new Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, Responsible Persons are legally required to:
  • Undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors (including self-closing devices) in the common parts.
  • Undertake annual checks of all flat entrance doors (including self-closing devices) that lead onto a building’s common parts.
📄 New Fire Door Inspection template
We've created a new template that follows standard inspection practices for anyone who currently does fire door inspections.
🔓 Want access?
If you want access to this template, please raise a support ticket, and we'll add it to your account. The template is still being battle tested, so we'd really appreciate any feedback you have so we can tweak and improve it.
🙏 Special thanks
A special thanks to Summit Environmental, Bellspire, and Lincs Property Services for helping us create this new template, we couldn't have done it without you guys!
Enjoy the new template :)